Yesterday our Military launched operation Felix to take down one capital city of a terrorist leader. Our military suffered only a few losses with the successful capture of a land area the size of a full map.
Our King claimed that this is not the only nation that will meet our consecuences. Our military is planning to attack more cities who once tried to take us down. Our military of 256 men is currently at it's peak with well equiped soldiers.
Many citizens are happy with this new initiative which has also been supported by many parties in the government.
So, if you are reading this and attacked our nation. You better contact us and pay back the damage you created or else you shall face our power like the previous terrorist who now has it's reputation and nation destroyed.
Thankfully we are being supported by and many other city roleplays on Ps4. will also help other roleplay hosts by presenting a list of many known griefers from many roleplays onto their website.
Therfore beware griefers on ps4, from today we will no longer tolerate any form of griefing or destroying our works.