The U.N.K has released the new summer 2018 political world map showing all the new nations on the server.
In the new map, you can see the change in the style to create a clearer image with a simpler text in comparison to the previous map. You can also see how the world map has a brighter look in contrast to the old dark map which gave a gloomy atmosphere.
Politically, we notice a new nation. North Korea. North Korea is very young although already the second largest nation of the server.
Another large change is the size of The Netherlands. Previously the nation was 17% larger although they gave away a chunk area of their land which is currently unclaimed. Other changes are that The Netherlands now owns Cuba.
Evolution of the World Map
First World map with borders defining the locations and limits of every nation. July 2017
Orange: The Netherlands
Purple: Canada
White: Pig's Bay
Red: America (E.B.R.A)
Grey: Cuba
Blue: Chicago
Yellow: Technosia
Black: China
Green: Aldoria
World Map Of December 2017
Modern Day Map