On Sunday evening an explosive was set off on the second floor in the western tower of the World Trade Centre in Koefdam.
Police claim they are still searching for the suspect although it is certain that the terrorist received the explosives with the help of a moderator.
To ensure the safety in Koefdam as this is the second moderator involved terrorist act it is now higly illegal to change any of the world settings. If noticed the moderator wil be fired imediatly as it will be seen as an attempt to assist any terrorists. However, moderators can still change the day time and the weather when needed.
It ia also now illegal for any moderators or nation leaders to use creative when in the Netherlands without authorisation from the King or Prime Minister. They are also required to pass a border/immigration checkpoint with a valid passport.
The government hopes to stop moderators from breaking the laws with these new guidelines and so ending the amount of terrorist attacks.