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Dutch Government Begins Largest Military Fortification ever

The Dutch Government has just published to spend 15 million Koefna into rebuilding and creating fortifications across the entire nation. The government will also use the money to upgrade all existing military bases ensuring all military outposts will be self-sufficient during any event of a war.

The government has established their 3 lines, one nation system, allowing only the Netherlands to control these 3 lines and to pull back effectively during the situation of an attack.

(The 3 Line defense line.)

According to the Dutch Minister of Défense John Mercury, the nation is building its defences to handle and win any war from any nation or even all nations combined.

The Nation will therefore ensure that all military facilities will have enough supplies to survive for a real-life month with no external assistance.

The nation is said to also install bunkers ever 50 blocks on its coastlines and borders to reduce immigration and to defend the nation on all fronts. These bunkers will be placed on the yellow line.

Barbed wires and additional structures such as a border roads and train tracks will also be installed to allow for Dutch troops to head to conflicted areas with a very short response time.

(A small protoype of the bunkers)

The Dutch King Joep has also stated;

“With nations increasing their military presence in many bordering regions, we must learn from our past and instinct to not ignore these signs, although the build up of militaries may not be aimed to attack our nations, risks can not be made.

One day we will be thankful, that our nation and government decide to build such a well organised fortified line.”

The Dutch government is therefore also looking for experienced builders. All interested builders are to contact marino#6453 on Discord.

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