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Koefdam Server Relaunches DEFCON

It has been over 2 years since Koefdam experienced any severe terrorist attacks. Therefore the U.N.K decomposed the old DEFCON system. However, today in the morning at around 12:00 GMT the United States was awaken by its first terrorist attack where multiple bombs were set off in Downtown Richmond. So far there are no reports on any casualties. 

So far, the United States and the United Nations of Koefdam are investigating the attacks. 

However, it has shown to our concern, that the server will need to reintroduce the DEFCON situation. A system where the potential threat levels will be published which will sacrifice certain liberties for the safety of the server. The DEFCON system works as followed.

DEFCON 5- No threat. No restrictions on building, TNT settings or firespreads. DEFCON 4- Small threat. TNT and firespreads can only be activated with permission from the host. Building as usual. DEFCON 3- Possible threats. Only builders with the builder role may build. TNT and firespreads are only to be used with permission and a moderator to supervise. DEFCON 2- High likelihood of a threat. Creative only used to Builder Role and Nation Leaders. TNT and firespreads only to be used with a supervising mod and less than 4 players. DEFCON 1- Serious threat. No TNT, or firespreads. World settings are strictly moderated. Only certified mods and nation leaders keep moderator. Builders need to request use of creative everytime and must be supervised when building by a mod. All new citizens get screened. Copy saves will happen 3 times a day. 

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